BEAR publications


  1. Sc/SiC/Al Multilayer Optimization for Li K Spectroscopy
    Hassebi Khalil, Meltchakov Evgueni, Delmotte Franck, Giglia Angelo, Jonnard Philippe
    Applied Sciences, Vol. 14 - 3, 956 (2024)
    doi: 10.3390/app14030956 (Journal Article)
  2. Structural and optical performance of NiV/Ti multilayer mirrors for Z-pinch plasma diagnostic at the wavelength region of 350-450eV
    Wang Zile, Zhang Zhe, He Jialian, Giglia Angelo, Zhang Qiya, Qi Runze, Huang Qiushi, Yi Shengzhen, Zhang Zhong, Wang Zhanshan
    Opt. Lett., Vol. 49 - 9, pp. 2237-2240 (2024)
    doi: 10.1364/OL.519527 (Journal Article)
Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 11:54